Flamingo Net Amateur Radio Club
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Welcome To The Flamingo Net!

The Flamingo Net is a south Florida amateur radio club. We have been active since 1954 as a social group for Hams. Most of our activity takes place on the ten meter band, but we also use two meters.

We meet on the air each Friday night, starting on 29.044 MHz at 7:30 PM Eastern time. At 7:45, we move to the K4AG repeater, 147.150 MHz (+.6, PL 94.8). At 8:00, we return to ten meters on 28.444 MHz. We welcome check-ins!

Our activities include hosting Fleas (jointly with the UMARC), often on the third Saturdays in April and November. These are held in parking lot 1-109 of the University of Miami Coral Gables campus. We also hold BBQ's, picnics and dinners at various times throughout the year. We also hold lost transmitter (FOX) hunts (on both ten meters and two meters).


This site was constructed on April 18, 2003. I will try to keep it updated as to recent or upcoming activity.

The Flamingo Net held a 2m vehicular Fox Hunt on Sunday, May 5, 2024. The foxes, Stu and Ray, were hidden in Tanglewood Park, just east of Palm Ave and south of Pines Blvd. . Our next hunt will be in the fall of 2024 when the weather gets cooler and Bill and Phil can hide the fox. These hunts, like most of our events, are open to EVERYONE (not just Flamingo Net members), so come to the hunt and find out how much FUN they are!!

Our next Flamingo Net (pay $2.50/hr to park - but you get a better deal if you pay for "all day") Flea at the U. of MIami will be on November 23, 2024 in lot 102 - where we had our first fleas back in the 90's. This lot is back on San Amaro at Robbia street: 5101 San Amaro. The kiosk at the Miller Road entrance is closest to this lot. The flea starts at 7:00 AM and goes to 11:00 AM.

The Picnic / BBQ that follows the flea will be in Brewer Park, west on Miller to 62nd Ave.

The Flamingo Net UPay4WhatUEat (UP4WUE) dinner took place on  Sunday evening, October 29, 2023. We had a good turn-out and a nice meal and discussion.

The Flamingo Net Field Day Event took place on Saturday morning, June 22, 2024. We had two DFing practicers and made several 10m contacts.


For location and driving information to any of our events, see the "What's new" page.

The November 2019 Flamingo / UMARC Free Flea .

Ways to contact The Flamingo Net

To contact us, either check-in on the air or e-mail me at wa4tej@juno.com . Fred, N4YQT, has set up a FaceBook page for us at


Fox Hunt 6/12/11 Debate over who found Fred first. Left to right: Bill (WA4TEJ), Ray (KB4HAY) and Phil (KI4DYS).